College of Nursing
Help Support the College of Nursing

During a recent inaugural practicum in Zambia, nursing students partnered with a hospital in Mwandi to assist pregnant women who had traveled from nearby villages—often by oxcart or on foot. These students had the incredible opportunity to be present during the births, gaining profound insights into the lives and values of the Zambian people.

Reflecting on her experience, Kelsey Parker, one of the nursing students, shared: "I wasn’t shocked because the Zambians were missing out on what we value in the United States. I was shocked that WE were missing out on the values Zambians intentionally incorporate into their everyday lives. What they may lack in material resources, they more than make up for in carefully swept dirt courtyards where families and friends gather."

Such experiences profoundly shape students like Kelsey, enriching their understanding of nursing and deepening their compassion. We invite you to support the Global and Population Health Nursing Practicum so that future students can benefit from these life-changing opportunities. Your donation will provide them with invaluable hands-on experience, broaden their global perspectives, and strengthen their ability to serve others with empathy and care.

More on Zambia

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Participation Extra Impact Gift
Participation Extra Impact Gift
A generous donor provided an extra impact gift. Help us unlock this gift by reaching our goal of 3000 donors. 2000 donors unlocks the first $50,000, 2500 donors unlocks an additional $50,000, 3000 donors unlocks an additional $50,000 for a total of $150,000.
1,724 / 2,000 Donors
Student Extra Impact Gift Complete
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Student Extra Impact Gift
An extra $10,000 will be added to the Choose 2 Give Replenishment if 50 current students make a gift.
50 / 50 Donors
College Extra Impact Gift
A generous donor has given an extra impact gift that will award the top three colleges with the highest participation percentage: 1st - $35k, 2nd - $25k, 3rd - $15k
Rank Prize Colleges % +/- Goal
1 $35,000 Law School +2657.14% 193
goal: 7
2 $25,000 Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering +783.33% 318
goal: 36
3 $15,000 College of Nursing +544.44% 58
goal: 9
4 Kennedy Center for International Studies +212.50% 25
goal: 8
5 College of Life Sciences +145.83% 118
goal: 48
Employee Extra Impact Gift Complete
But you can still make a gift!
Employee Extra Impact Gift
An extra $10,000 will be added to the Inspiring Learning Endowed Fund if 20 employees make a gift.
20 / 20 Donors
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Rank State Gifts
1 UT 32
2 CA 10
3 OR 3
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