Thank you for supporting BYU–Hawaii Giving Day! Please note that the numbers are subject to change after going through gift processing. Click here if you would like to still make a gift to BYU–Hawaii.

Amplify Your Impact

Boost the impact of your gift during BYU–Hawaii Giving Day by participating in challenges! Explore the challenges below and find which category really fits you best, give and see if you can unlock the extra-impact gift before the two-day event ends! 

Past Events

Participation Extra-Impact Gift
A generous donor provided an extra-impact gift of $70,000. Help us unlock this gift to IWORK by reaching our goal of 370 donors. 70 donors unlocks the first $17,500, 170 donors unlocks an additional $17,500, 270 donors unlocks an additional $17,500, 370 donors unlocks an additional $17,500 for a total of $70,000.
279 / 370 Donors
Employee Extra-Impact Gift
Congratulations, 35 Employees gave and $1,955 will be added to the BYU–Hawaii IWORK Fund.
28 / 35 Donors
Parent Challenge
The Fund with the most gifts from BYU-Hawaii parents will win a $770 bonus.
70th Gift Challenge
In honor of BYU-Hawaii’s 70th anniversary, whoever makes the 70th gift of the day wins these challenge dollars, $700 to be added to their associated with their gift.
70 / 70 Donors
370th Gift Challenge
In celebration of our 70th Anniversary, be the 370th donor* of the day and have an additional $1,700 given to the area you supported. *Number of unique gifts - each donor will be counted once regardless of how many areas they support.
279 / 370 Donors
Friends of BYU–Hawaii Challenge
The Fund with the most gifts from BYU–Hawaii friends of the institution will win a $770 bonus.
Midnight Challenge
Be the first donor of the night at 12:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 11, and have $700 added to the associated area your donation went to!
1 / 1 Donors
Recurring Gift Challenge
When we reach 3 new recurring gifts it will unlock $1700 to the IWORK Fund.
Student Extra-Impact Gift
Congratulations, 20 students gave so $1,955 will be unlocked for the BYU–Hawaii IWORK Fund.
14 / 20 Donors
Alumni Extra-Impact-Gift
Congratulations, 140 alumni gave so $14,000 will be added to the BYU–Hawaii General Scholarship Fund.
127 / 140 Donors
Power Hour Challenge
If we can reach 70 donors between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am and additional $3800 dollars will be added to the BYU Hawaii General Scholarship Fund.
29 / 70 Donors
Employee Challenge
The Fund with the most gifts from BYU-Hawaii employees will win a $770 bonus
Student Challenge
The Fund with the most gifts from BYU-Hawaii students will win a $770 bonus.
Halfway There Challenge
Who will be the lucky one to mark the halfway point with 185 donors? Be the 185th donor* of Giving Day and have an additional $700 given to the area you supported. *Number of unique gifts - each donor will be counted once regardless of how many areas they support.
185 / 185 Donors
Favorite Fund Challenge
An extra $7000 will be added to the fund with the most donors.
Rank Prize Fund Donors
1 $7,000 General Scholarships 147
2 IWORK- International Work Opportunity Returnability Kuleana 137
Friends of BYU–Hawaii Extra-Impact Gift
Congratulations, 100 friends of the institution gave so $1955 will be added to the BYU–Hawaii General Scholarship fund.
100 / 100 Donors
Parent Extra-Impact Gift
Congratulations. Parent donors made a gift on Giving Day, unlocking $1,955 for the BYU–Hawaii General Scholarship fund.
20 / 20 Donors
See who is supporting BYU–Hawaii Giving Day
Check back throughout Giving Day to see which group has the most donors!
How are you connected to BYU–Hawaii? (Select all that apply)
Rank Answer Donors
1 Alumni 128
2 Friend of BYU–Hawaii 109
3 Parent 29
4 Employee 28
5 Student 14
6 Recent Alumni (2014-2024) 9
Recent Alumni Extra-Impact Gift
An extra $1700 will be added to the BYU–Hawaii General Scholarship Fund if 20 recent alumni (graduated within the last 10 years) make a gift.
9 / 20 Donors